#smnpchat on Twitter | All Tweets | 2011-11-11 | TweetReports


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2011-11-11 to 2011-11-11
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@themgen: RT @marcapitman: Join us this tomorrow for #smNPchat to discuss @Blackbaud's latest report on growing philanthropy 11.11.11. Noon ET http://t.co/Sj6bAsJr

@themgen: RT @SolidRockDeals RT @janekuechle QR Codes Raise Awareness, Donations 4 Savvy #Nonprofit Orgs: http://t.co/0V5muj1Z #nptalk #smnpchat

@johnhaydon: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt?http://t.co/OVZEO32K | Pls RT - thanks!

@PamelaGrow: RT @marcapitman: Join us for #smNPchat to discuss @Blackbauds latest report on growing philanthropy http://t.co/PxaDQJrN Noon ET #smnpchat

@chandahurms: RT @PamelaGrow: RT @marcapitman: Join us for #smNPchat to discuss @Blackbauds latest report on growing philanthropy http://t.co/PxaDQJrN Noon ET #smnpchat

@chillygal: RT @PamelaGrow: Join us this Friday to discuss Blackbaud’s report, Growing Philanthropy in the United States http://t.co/ZstIZv2J #smNPchat 11.11 @ noon!

@NGOBuzz: Today's #smNPchat ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? | Pls - thanks! http://t.co/GmjXhn0n

@fundraisinisfun: hey folks: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/JysXZdbQ

@GoodThreads: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/JCr8dyOI

@PamelaGrow: Program and development staff - together at last! | New blog post, pls RT :) http://t.co/Wa5NKEjk #smNPchat #fundraising #nonprofit

@kathleenporch: Great article. “@PamelaGrow: Program and development staff - together at last! | http://t.co/Fp7Ts63i #smNPchat #fundraising #nonprofit”

@kathleenporch: RT @fundraisinisfun: hey folks: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/JysXZdbQ

@TwtrChat411: The perfect space to share marketing and fundraising resources is today on #smNPchat at 12:00 pm ET - http://t.co/HoD8rdhO

@GailPerrync: RT @PamelaGrow: Program and development staff - together at last! | New blog post, pls RT :) http://t.co/Wa5NKEjk #smNPchat #fundraising #nonprofit

@Jessica_Journey: RT @PamelaGrow: Join us for #smNPchat to discuss @Blackbauds latest report on growing philanthropy http://t.co/sOVpNjTx Noon ET #smnpchat

@NancySchwartz: Twitter chat @noon - The Future of #Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? #smNPchat http://t.co/lPZT3bKT

@mcahalane: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/rPSiaJZA | Pls RT - thanks!

@PamelaGrow: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/9AV7c6N7 | Pls RT - thanks!

@lpdiversa: RT @mcahalane: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/rPSiaJZA | Pls RT - thanks!

@Fundraise_Ideas: RT @PamelaGrow: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/9AV7c6N7 | Pls RT - thanks!

@nimbyist: Remember: #smNPchat today at noon ET. Topic: Blackbaud's latest report & the future of #fundraising http://t.co/byo43qFc. Tell your friends!

@TheDMailMan: RT @PamelaGrow Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt?http://t.co/GQ7POt3t #nonprofit

@power0fplay: RT @PamelaGrow"Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising How Will You Adapt http://t.co/uejUQ6Yv"Don't miss #nonprofit friends

@philresearch: RT @nimbyist: Remember: #smNPchat today at noon ET. Topic: Blackbaud's latest report & the future of #fundraising http://t.co/byo43qFc. Tell your friends!

@blackbaud: RT @PamelaGrow: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/cM7vIgKv | Pls RT - thanks!

@joannefritz: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt?http://t.co/2PGRmIXT | Pls RT

@SOFIIisHOT: RT @PamelaGrow: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/xiCNHxtK

@BeGoodToronto: RT @PamelaGrow: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/2GKnzfIY

@SMacLaughlin: RT @pamelagrow: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/F6iZvAkx | Pls RT - thanks!

@chadnorman: RT @blackbaud: RT @PamelaGrow: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/ib7N2JDW

@PamelaGrow: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/0qXJVdwQ | Pls RT - thanks!

@mcahalane: #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/rPSiaJZA Please join us!

@Nonprofit_Mo: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt?http://t.co/v71M3HjB

@johnlepp: RT @mcahalane: #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/QhWqCPFH Please join us!

@agentsofgood: RT @mcahalane: #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/VI3DVZVS Please join us!

@staceyawe: @AnotherMovement: Seen this? RT @kathleenporch @PamelaGrow: Program and development staff- together at last! http://t.co/LltWFQsM #smNPchat

@NancyIannone: RT @pamelagrow: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/YB4gOE2V | Pls RT - thanks!

@Ask_FRI: RT @nancyiannone: RT @PamelaGrow: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/nzCJsmdj

@GordonJayFrost: RT @nancyiannone: RT @PamelaGrow: Today's #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/xAfiT27R

@TonyMartignetti: MT @PamelaGrow: Today's #smNPchat @ noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/YQmtyuuB | Pls RT - thanks!

@PamelaGrow: @casudi noon ET! Hope to see you there #smNPchat

@AnotherMovement: RT @staceyawe: @AnotherMovement: Seen this? RT @kathleenporch @PamelaGrow: Program and development staff- together at last! http://t.co/LltWFQsM #smNPchat

@GailPerrync: Don't miss! RT @agentsofgood: RT @mcahalane: #smNPchat @noon ET - Future of Fundraising – How To Adapt? http://t.co/9Cupthvw Please join us!

@CASUDI: @PamelaGrow I'll be hovering #smNPchat as it's the same time as #kaizenblog ~ focus creating social biz now + for future (works together:)

@FundraiserBeth: Excited to join #smNPchat @noon ET - The Future of Fundraising – How Will You Adapt?http://t.co/bJXkMjj2 | Get in on the convo!

@FCAtlanta: Today at noon ET! #smNPchat – The Future of #Fundraising – How Will You Adapt? http://t.co/BaJ0KMLu | Always a great convo : )

@TwtrChat411: #smNPchat is starting soon. Connect with @pamelagrow and enjoy!

@FundraiserBeth: I'm in and ready! Join us on the Future of Fundraising! RT @TwtrChat411: Chat is starting soon. Connect with @pamelagrow & enjoy! #smNPchat

@Glenn_Burdett: #smNPchat coming up 12 eastern

@nathan_hand: Prep 4 #smNPchat - Growing Giving 4 #donors http://t.co/g1Ubw3vL #fundraisers http://t.co/CSaTIHhc & #nonprofit leaders http://t.co/YGxPz950

@blackbaud: Today's #smNPchat is starting any minute! Today's topic: The Future of Fundraising. http://t.co/61X1r0aL

@JunoConsult: Good morning #smNPchat! Xan in Chicago- I'm at an informal mtg w one of my start ups, but they know I'll be dipping in & out to tweet!

@FundraiserBeth: @kevin_monroe Great to see you! This is a fun chat... lots of smarties... #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: Yo everyone and welcome to the Twitter chat for marketing and fundraising for the small nonprofit organization #smnpchat

@nimbyist: Just checking in for #smNPchat! Please note: Twitter volume will be higher for next hour or so. Why not join us?

@JenniferLSpies: Hello everyone! Glad to join in my first #smNPchat

@laynegray: Hi Pam, it's gr8 to be here. Interesting topic today!n #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: Today we’re talking Blackbaud’s Growing Philanthropy in the US. http://t.co/dEhSuyk1 n #smnpchat

@nimbyist: @blackbaud Thanks for the alert! #smnpchat

@nimbyist: @JenniferLSpies Yay - welcome, glad to have you here! #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @laynegray OMGosh I didn't expect to see you today Layne - thanks for joining us! #smnpchat

@chadnorman: Excited for today's #smNPchat - the future is now! http://t.co/zkWFeNsp

@PamelaGrow: RT @nimbyist: Just checking in for #smNPchat! Please note: Twitter volume will be higher for next hour or so. Why not join us? #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @chadnorman: Excited for todays #smNPchat - the future is now! http://t.co/dEhSuyk1 #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: If you’re new to Twitter chats, I highly recommend using a tool to access these chats, like TweetChat or chatgrid.n #smnpchat

@laynegray: How could I miss such an important topic? I've got my priorities! ;) You run a mean & lean tweetchat! #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @blackbaud: Todays #smNPchat is starting! Todays topic: The Future of Fundraising. http://t.co/3MzULkb4 #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: Please introduce yourself, along with your organization and share your biggest "AHA" from the Blackbaud report. #smnpchat

@JenniferLSpies: @nimbyist I'm glad to have two computer screens! Getting some quick work done & joining in at the same time. #smNPchat

@mcy527: good morning #smnpchat!

@nimbyist: @JenniferLSpies *thumbs up* I'm doing the iPad/PC juggle over here :-) #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @laynegray Thought you'd be too busy getting ready for the Fundraising Summit. http://t.co/kF6jbug9 #smnpchat

@kbettcher: @jmhedrick the other chat I was thinking about is happening now... #smnpchat

@philresearch: La from ResearchSense from Windy Chicago! Happy 11/11/11 all!n #smnpchat

@williampitcher: Blackbaud's 'Growing Philanthropy in US' http://t.co/pkbGALQ9 applies in Canada too. Join chat at http://t.co/Nzs0oSMZ #smnpchat

@nimbyist: Hi everyone - I'm Amy, nonprofit communications pro from Canada. And your assisting moderator for today :-) #smnpchat

@joannefritz: I'm here.....about.com nonprofit guide. Hi! #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: I’m Pamela Grow, nonprofit consultant and author. LOVED this report b'cz it reinforced what I already believed to be true. #smnpchat

@FundraiserBeth: I'm Beth, been working in #fundraising 15+ years, trying my had at consulting. The @Blackbaud report has so much to offer! #smNPchat

@mcahalane: @chadnorman Hey Chad! Glad to see you here! #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: @mcahalane Welcome Mary - wow lots of new faces! #smnpchat

@CASUDI: OUR NP @BANKONRAIN ~ Social creating/enhancing the donor experience ~right on in Blackbaud report #smNPchat

@kevin_monroe: I'm Kevin from X Factor Consulting and joining #smnpchat as a firsttimer

@nimbyist: re Blackbaud study - not sure it's an "aha" but I think the discussion re shared space and resources = increasingly important #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @joannefritz Yay, glad you could join us Joanne. #smnpchat

@JenniferLSpies: Jennifer Spies, online fundraising specialist at @LutherSeminary here. #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: Hi all, I'm Nathan, VP Dev/Mktg 4 @IndySOW & I wrote about my biggest AHA's from @blackbaud's rpt here http://t.co/QkxYy1wX #smnpchat

@JenniferLSpies: My biggest aha was the lifetime value increase for monthly givers over annual giving, 600 to 800 % higher! #smNPchat

@laynegray: I'm Layne w/@vivanista & we help volunteer groups & nonprofits w/their fundraising. We also have a Summit 2morrow on the topic #smNPchat

@chadnorman: I'm Chad. I run a small nonprofit, am on the board of another, and also work at Blackbaud. Great to see you all! #smNPchat

@nimbyist: @joannefritz Welcome Joanne! Great to see you. #smnpchat

@philresearch: Great report from Blackbaud @pamelagrow-very insightful summary. Thanks for sharing. n #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: Hi, everyone - I'm Linette, a nonprofit marketing consultant from Atlanta. #smNPchat

@mcahalane: @JenniferLSpies Yes - that really resonated with me, too #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: Q1: How will you be using the Growing Philanthropy in the US Report? Sharing w/ board? #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @scg4nonprofits Hi Linette, thanks for joining us. #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: @fundraiserbeth hello to you too! Glad to be joining today : ) #smnpchat

@CASUDI: @3keyscoach I'm 2-timing 2day with #smNPchat ~ focus> future of fundraising ~ that's like creating a social biz >our focus? #kaizenblog

@nimbyist: A big welcome to all the first timers! #smnpchat

@nimbyist: Q1: How will you be using the Growing Philanthropy in the US Report? Sharing w/ board? #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: Gayle here. My biggest takeaway was what was missing: 1. more asking and 2.benchmarking giving for the public #smNPchat

@williampitcher: I consult to wide range of orgs. Sharing backend resources between charities very interesting re: Blackbaud rpt #smnpchat

@mcahalane: A1: I'm sure it will feed my thinking, not sure we'll get it to the board - though I'd like to. #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @PamelaGrow: Q1: How will you be using the Growing Philanthropy in the US Report? Sharing w/ board? #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: A1: I see the rpt as a strategic plan for the sector's future. Sharing it w/ CEO, Bd and even high level donors #smnpchat

@joannefritz: This report is going to provide great grist for my writing...so many ideas that can be connected to good & bad in np sector #smNPchat

@FundraiserBeth: A1 there .s so much in that report... I think it is overwhelming to have it all presented at once. Themes are a good entry point, #smNPchat

@laynegray: A1 Incorporate into positioning more - it's all about relationships #smNPchat

@FCAtlanta: A1: We will definitely be sharing this report with our nonprofit visitors--it's super impt. for fundraisers to have this data. #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @gaylegifford: Gayle here. My biggest takeaway was what was missing: 1. more asking and 2.benchmarking giving for the public #smnpchat

@nathan_hand: @chadnorman nice to meet you Chad! #smnpchat

@JenniferLSpies: A1: I've got to take a closer look at it, but will definetnly give me some food for thought as I transition into my position more #smNPchat

@nimbyist: RT @gaylegifford: My biggest takeaway was what was missing: 1. more asking and 2.benchmarking giving for the public #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @nathan_hand: A1: I see the rpt as a strategic plan for the sectors future. Sharing it w/ CEO, Bd and even high level donors #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: @PamelaGrow Thrilled to be here. I think this is my first time with #smNPchat

@JenniferLSpies: RT @laynegray: A1 Incorporate into positioning more - its all about relationships #smNPchat

@nimbyist: RT @mcahalane: A1: Im sure it will feed my thinking, not sure well get it to the board - though Id like to. #smnpchat

@mikeduerksen: Hi, I'm Mike. First time joining #smnpchat. I work in nonprofit PR & comms. Will be mostly listening in today.

@PamelaGrow: @gaylegifford I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on what was missing Gayle. #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @nathan_hand: A1: I see the rpt as a strategic plan for the sectors future. Sharing it w/ CEO, Bd and even high level donors #smNPchat

@FCAtlanta: RT @gaylegifford: Gayle here. My biggest takeaway was what was missing: 1. more asking and 2.benchmarking giving for the public #smNPchat

@chadnorman: @nathan_hand You as well. Great blog post! #smnpchat #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: @mikeduerksen Welcome Mike and thanks or joining us. #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: I truly appreciated the focus on building lifetime donors. On changing measurables. #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: Great idea - RT @joannefritz: This report...so many ideas that can be connected to good & bad in np sector #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: A1: And, as @joannefritz said - rpt is great fodder for writing, blogging, etc. #smnpchat

@kevin_monroe: A1 - sharing with boards with which I consult for benchmarking, ideas, and vision - #smnpchat

@nimbyist: RT @FundraiserBeth: A1 so much in that report... it's overwhelming to have it all presented at once. Themes a good entry point #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @gaylegifford: Gayle here. My biggest takeaway was what was missing: 1. more asking and 2.benchmarking giving for the public #smNPchat

@nimbyist: @mikeduerksen Glad you could join us! #smnpchat

@mcahalane: RT @PamelaGrow: I truly appreciated the focus on building lifetime donors. On changing measurables. #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @kevin_monroe: A1 - sharing with boards with which I consult for benchmarking, ideas, and vision - #smnpchat

@nimbyist: RT @PamelaGrow: A1. I truly appreciated the focus on building lifetime donors. On changing measurables. #smnpchat

@BG_Blogger911: A1: And, as @joannefritz said - rpt is great fodder for writing, blogging, etc. #smnpchat http://t.co/G77VaEUc

@BANKONRAIN: We belong to Peer Water Exchange http://t.co/GazfAjVv ~ but this scalable NP funding model could be implemented in many areas #smNPchat

@williampitcher: A1: A lot of CEOs and CFOs need to see the Future of Fundraising rpt - not just Boards. #smnpchat

@JenniferLSpies: @FundraiserBeth I'm hoping to look more closely first at anything related to online/social media #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: I'm curious who the Wizard of Oz is behind the green curtain at @FCAtlanta - you rock, keep it up! :) #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @FCAtlanta: A1: We will definitely be sharing this w/our nonprofit visitors--super impt. for fundraisers to have this data. #smNPchat

@CASUDI: RT @BANKONRAIN: We belong to Peer Water Exchange http://t.co/GazfAjVv ~ but this scalable NP funding model could be implemented in many areas #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: Hard to point to 1 fave takeaway but "Blow the whistle on orgs claiming 0 fundraising costs" was a biggie. #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @PamelaGrow: @gaylegifford Id love to hear more of your thoughts on what was missing Gayle. #smNPchat

@FCAtlanta: Heads up to our awesome followers: we're participating in the #smNPchat, sorry for blowing up your twitter feed! (You should join in too!)

@nimbyist: RT @BANKONRAIN: We belong to Peer Water Exchange http://t.co/efNBkCUj scalable NP funding model could be implemented in many areas #smnpchat

@blackbaud: @gaylegifford Great feedback Gayle! We do have some benchmarking data available outside of the report: http://t.co/smGG4Rd1 #smnpchat

@kevin_monroe: RT @nathan_hand: I know the Wizard of Oz behind the green curtain at @FCAtlanta - and she does rock, keep it up! :) #smnpchat

@nathan_hand: Absolutely - LTV RT @pamelagrow: I truly appreciated the focus on building lifetime donors. On changing measurables. #smnpchat

@mcahalane: RT @williampitcher: A1: A lot of CEOs and CFOs need to see the Future of Fundraising rpt - not just Boards. #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: @nathan_hand I've always been curious too ... @FCAtlanta #smnpchat

@nimbyist: RT @PamelaGrow: Hard to point to 1 fave takeaway but "Blow the whistle on orgs claiming 0 fundraising costs" was a biggie. #smnpchat

@laynegray: Ditto RT @PamelaGrow: Hard to point to 1 fave takeaway but "Blow the whistle on orgs claiming 0 fundraising costs" was a biggie. #smNPchat

@FundraiserBeth: Get down there & meet them! @EKlova RT @nathan_hand: Im curious who the Wizard of Oz is behind the green curtain at @FCAtlanta #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @mcahalane: RT @PamelaGrow: I truly appreciated the focus on building lifetime donors. On changing measurables. #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @blackbaud: @gaylegifford Gr8 feedback! We do have some benchmarking data available outside of the report: http://t.co/dAfup1Lt #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: Had chat w/ donor. Asked if he talks bout his own giving. No. We're all 2 quiet about our gifts, who knows what good giving is?nnn #smNPchat

@williampitcher: A1: Future of Fundraising Rpt also great to share with those corp. donors that have full-time giving staff #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @williampitcher: A1: Future of Fundraising Rpt also great to share with those corp. donors that have full-time giving staff #smnpchat

@kevin_monroe: RT @williampitcher: A1: Future of Fundraising Rpt also great to share with those corp. donors that have full-time giving staff #smnpchat

@chadnorman: I liked the part about explaining fundraising to board members. They come from all walks of life, & may be unfamiliar. #smNPchat

@morphwithus: me too.RT @mikeduerksen: First time joining #smnpchat. I work in nonprofit PR & comms. Will be mostly listening in today. #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: RT @nimbyist: Hard to point to 1 fave takeaway but "Blow the whistle on orgs claiming 0 fundraising costs" was a biggie.n #smNPchat

@FCAtlanta: Awesome! RT @blackbaud: We do have some benchmarking data available outside of the report: http://t.co/M4CaPST4 #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: Ditto! RT @nathan_hand: Im curious who the Wizard of Oz is behind the green curtain at @FCAtlanta - you rock, keep it up! :) #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @chadnorman: I liked the part abt explaining fundraising 2 board members. They come from all walks of life, & may b unfamiliar. #smnpchat

@FundraiserBeth: A1 Many of these topics have been discussed in curated convos, but report brought it together. But non-NPpros may find it a lot. #smNPchat

@gaylegifford: Like the idea a lot sharing with donors, foundations, corpsnn #smNPchat

@nimbyist: RT @chadnorman: ...explaining fundraising to board members. They come from all walks of life, & may be unfamiliar. #smnpchat

@mcahalane: @gaylegifford Yes! And an overdue one. #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @blackbaud: @gaylegifford Great feedback Gayle! We have some benchmarking data available: http://t.co/mhUHBMls #smNPchat

@FundraiserBeth: :) RT @nimbyist RT @chadnorman: ...explaining fundraising to board members. They come from all walks of life, & may be unfamiliar. #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @gaylegifford: Like the idea a lot sharing with donors, foundations, corps #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: This is a good point. Maybe present easy take-aways? MT @FundraiserBeth: A1 But non-NPpros may find it a lot. #smNPchat

@blackbaud: RT @PamelaGrow Hard to point to 1 fave takeaway but "Blow the whistle on orgs claiming 0 fundraising costs" was a biggie. #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: RT @blackbaud: Great feedback Gayle! We do have some benchmarking data available outside of the report: http://t.co/NEEOjHkT #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @mcahalane: RT @williampitcher: A1: A lot of CEOs and CFOs need to see the Future of Fundraising rpt - not just Boards. #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @chadnorman: I liked the part on explaining fundraising to board members. They come from all walks of life & may be unfamiliar. #smNPchat

@JenniferLSpies: RT @blackbaud: @gaylegifford Great feedback Gayle! We do have some benchmarking data available outside of the report: http://t.co/smGG4Rd1 #smnpchat

@mcy527: RT @blackbaud: RT @PamelaGrow Hard to point to 1 fave takeaway but "Blow the whistle on orgs claiming 0 fundraising costs" was a biggie. #smnpchat

@klsnature: Coming to conversation late. Is there a link for report several folks have mentioned? Thanks! #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: Btw, I forgot to mention that our partner in crime, @marcapitman will not be joining us today. Family obligations :) #smnpchat

@joannefritz: liked the idea of developing a system to handle complaints...this is so often left up to chance...whoever happens to answer phone #smNPchat

@FundraiserBeth: Yes, the tweetchat is to hear all voices, experiences & opinions... not just the fastest fingers! (response to @Nathan_Hand) #smNPchat

@mcy527: Adding more specific accounting and reporting procedures to GAAP would help @laynegray @PamelaGrow #smNPchat

@williampitcher: Those interested in Future of Fundraising should also read Globe & Mail series on giving http://t.co/fmHIL6D2 #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @joannefritz: liked the idea of developing a system to handle complaints...this is so often left up to chance #smnpchat

@nathan_hand: YES RT @nimbyist: Hard to point to 1 fave takeaway but "Blow the whistle on orgs claiming 0 fundraising costs" was a biggie. #smNPchat

@blackbaud: @klsnature: You can download the report and summary here: http://t.co/QNNQS52s #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @williampitcher: Those interested in Future of Fundraising should also read Globe & Mail series on giving http://t.co/NT9BJ7Ce #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: Remember Give 5? @blackbaud Need public awareness campaign with way more clout for power of giving #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: @williampitcher Thanks so much or sharing that. #smnpchat

@JenniferLSpies: @joannefritz Defienntly, and letting people know what is going on with your own campaigns if they aren't involved. #smNPchat

@nimbyist: Yes >> RT @joannefritz: idea of developing system to handle complaints...this is so often left up to chance, whoever answers phone #smnpchat

@nimbyist: RT @williampitcher: Those interested in Future of Fundraising should also read Globe & Mail series on giving http://t.co/5d8c1Vk3 #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: Q2: How will you be implementing some of the recommendations in the report? #smnpchat

@kevin_monroe: Some folks miss point 1 about individual relationships, not a lumped group of donors - good starting place 4 many groups i know #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: RT @williampitcher: A1: A lot of CEOs and CFOs need to see the Future of Fundraising rpt - not just Boards. #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @williampitcher: Those interested in Future of Fundraising should also read Globe & Mail series on giving http://t.co/pfkG5AVV #smNPchat

@williampitcher: @PamelaGrow My pleasure, I was really impressed with what The Globe did. #smnpchat

@klsnature: Much appreciated, @blackbaud. #smNPchat

@nimbyist: Q2: How will you be implementing some of the recommendations in the report? #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @gaylegifford: RT @williampitcher: A1: A lot of CEOs and CFOs need to see the Future of Fundraising rpt - not just Boards. #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @blackbaud: @klsnature: You can download the report and summary here: http://t.co/AQaZDHoT #smNPchat

@chadnorman: @joannefritz I totally agree. I would love to see more orgs using feedback tools like http://t.co/Fhhmog7R and the like. #smNPchat

@gaylegifford: Intense read. Must read. RT @williampitcher: @PamelaGrow My pleasure, I was really impressed with what The Globe did. #smNPchat

@joannefritz: @williampitcher thanks for that link...so many newspapers now have sections on philanthropy..USAToday has just launched one #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @PamelaGrow: Q2: How will you be implementing some of the recommendations in the report? #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: @kevin_monroe Good point Kevin. How do we define those relationships? #smnpchat

@laynegray: A2 Focusing on Fundraising campaign (event) ROI & contrast 2 long-term donor engagement #smNPchat

@JenniferLSpies: RT @scg4nonprofits: RT @williampitcher: Those interested in Future of Fundraising should also read Globe & Mail series on giving http://t.co/pfkG5AVV #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: A2: I'll be doing these things http://t.co/dkpJxQ8R #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @chadnorman: @joannefritz I totally agree. I would love to see more orgs using feedback tools like http://t.co/5X09rfAg #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @nathan_hand: A2: Ill be doing these things http://t.co/bMArRT3A #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @chadnorman: @joannefritz I totally agree. I would love to see more orgs using feedback tools like http://t.co/ctPjJccw. #smNPchat

@JenniferLSpies: Great list! RT @nathan_hand: A2: Ill be doing these things http://t.co/htfkdicj #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @PamelaGrow: @kevin_monroe Good point Kevin. How do we define those relationships? #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: @scg4nonprofits @williampitcher thx for the Globe link - reading that later! #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @chadnorman @joannefritz surveying is never the big project we make it out to be in our minds. #smnpchat

@kevin_monroe: @pamelagrow here's a quote i got from Kellogg "Relationships are primary, ALL else is derivative" #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: MT @chadnorman: @joannefritz I would love to see more orgs using feedback tools like http://t.co/NhCtWGiY | Looks grt! #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @kevin_monroe: @pamelagrow heres a quote i got from Kellogg "Relationships are primary, ALL else is derivative" #smnpchat

@mcahalane: @PamelaGrow Agree! It can be very simple and still be effective! #smNPchat

@joannefritz: @chadnorman are there other "systems" for complaints/feedback suitable 4 NPOS? #smNPchat

@gaylegifford: Really liked the pitch for more research. Real need. Too much mythology, not enough evidence. #smNPchat

@kevin_monroe: RT @gaylegifford: Really liked the pitch for more research. Real need. Too much mythology, not enough evidence. #smNPchat

@JunoConsult: A1 One of the best things about this report was its usefulness across all sizes in the sector, not just the giant nationals #smnpchat

@FundraiserBeth: Love that! RT @kevin_monroe: @pamelagrow heres a quote i got from Kellogg "Relationships are primary, ALL else is derivative" #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: @mcahalane I like surveying in small segmented batches #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: When I was at PLAN USA, donor long term value drove all of our fundraising. #smNPchat

@FCAtlanta: Yes, esp. on ind. giving MT @gaylegifford: Really liked the pitch for more research. Too much mythology, not enough evidence. #smNPchat

@nimbyist: RT @gaylegifford: Really liked the pitch for more research. Real need. Too much mythology, not enough evidence. #smnpchat

@kevin_monroe: RT @FCAtlanta: Yes, esp. on ind. giving MT @gaylegifford: Really liked the pitch for more research. Too much mythology, not enough evidence. #smNPchat

@williampitcher: A2 I will view WHOLE prospect vs prospects for specific appeals They don't keep diff bank accts for each ask #smnpchat

@joannefritz: RT @JunoConsult: A1 One of the best things about this report was its usefulness across all sizes in the sector, not just giants #smNPchat

@Glenn_Burdett: RT @williampitcher: @PamelaGrow My pleasure, I was really impressed with what The Globe did. #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: RT @PamelaGrow: @mcahalane I like surveying in small segmented batches #smNPchat

@mcahalane: @PamelaGrow And that way, it's not a BIG PROJECT, more like a constant convo #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: Agreed RT @gaylegifford: Liked the pitch for more research. Too much mythology, not enough evidence. #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @gaylegifford: When I was at PLAN USA, donor long term value drove all of our fundraising. #smNPchat

@nimbyist: RT @JunoConsult: A1 One of best things re report was its usefulness across all sizes in the sector, not just the giant nationals #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: @joannefritz Orgs could make use of http://t.co/4Mu26iSZ. Works kind of like Yelp, but maybe too public for most ppl? #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: @JunoConsult Agreed. & I think that the small nonprofit often CAN be more donor-centric bcs they're not hindered by bureaucracy. #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @scg4nonprofits: RT @gaylegifford: When I was at PLAN USA, donor long term value drove all of our fundraising. #smnpchat

@nimbyist: RT @williampitcher: A2 I will view WHOLE prospect vs prospects for specific appeals They dont keep diff bank accts for each ask #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: Agree RT @joannefritz: RT @JunoConsult: A1 One of the best things ...was its usefulness across all sizes in the sector, ... #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @joannefritz: RT @JunoConsult: A1 One of the best things about this report was its usefulness across all sizes in the sector #smNPchat

@morphwithus: RT @JunoConsult Agreed. & I think that the small nonprofit often CAN be more donor-centric bcs theyre not hindered by bureaucracy. #smnpchat

@nimbyist: @FCAtlanta psst, link didn't work! Can you please resend? #smnpchat

@mcy527: RT @PamelaGrow: @JunoConsult Agreed. & I think that the small nonprofit often CAN be more donor-centric bcs they're not hindered by bureaucracy. #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @FCAtlanta: @joannefritz Orgs could make use of http://t.co/V4xdXTjh. Works like Yelp, but maybe too public for most ppl? #smNPchat

@kevin_monroe: @JunoConsult Agreed. & the small nonprofit often CAN & SHOULD be more donor-centric bcs they're not hindered by bureaucracy. #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: Whoops, sorry! http://t.co/LXuaBAcv RT @nimbyist: @FCAtlanta psst, link didnt work! Can you please resend? #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: Psst #smnpchat - use @Followblast to follow all from this chat easily http://t.co/jH3MxXvy

@gaylegifford: RE missing pieces @forimpact makes good point most fundraisers simply not meeting donors enoughn #smNPchat

@philresearch: La from ResearchSense joining back in.sorry-monthly pest control visit--getting rid of carpenter ants:( Now back to good stuff! #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @PamelaGrow: @JunoConsult Agreed. I think small nonprofit CAN be more donor-centric bcs theyre not hindered by bureaucracy. #smNPchat

@JunoConsult: @kevin_monroe haha, you'd be surprised. But in essence, yes. #smnpchat

@mcahalane: RT @gaylegifford: RE missing pieces @forimpact makes good point most fundraisers simply not meeting donors enough #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @FCAtlanta: Whoops, sorry! http://t.co/6s4lATF0 RT @nimbyist: @FCAtlanta psst, link didnt work! Can you please resend? #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: You know I think of GreatNonProfits as a wonderful tool for collecting testimonials more than an actual measurement. #smnpchat

@kevin_monroe: RT @JunoConsult: @kevin_monroe agreed that it's not always the case haha, you'd be surprised. But in essence, yes. #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: Emphasis on the should: RT @kevin_monroe: The small nonprofit often CAN & SHOULD be more donor-centric. #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: A2: What donors can do to grow giving http://t.co/6XpMUc4L #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: Hardest to get #npos talking to donors. Listening & making a case. They want secret that excuses them engaging directly w/ donors. #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: Q 3. How can we create longer term measures of fundraising performance? How do we measure? #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @PamelaGrow: I think of GreatNonProfits as a wonderful tool for collecting testimonials more than an actual measurement. #smNPchat

@kevin_monroe: RT @gaylegifford: Hardest to get #npos talking to donors. Listening & making a case. They want secret that excuses them engaging directly w/ donors. #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: @gaylegifford So true. And it is all about listening. #smnpchat

@philresearch: Amen! RT @gaylegifford: Really liked the pitch for more research. Real need. Too much mythology, not enough evidence. #smnpchat

@JunoConsult: @gaylegifford it's more that too many fund officers think "engaging w donors"="asking for gift" instead of listening & responding #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: Me too. RT @PamelaGrow: ... GreatNonProfits as a wonderful tool for collecting testimonials more than an actual measurement. #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @nathan_hand: A2: What donors can do to grow giving http://t.co/al1KxKzF #smNPchat

@kevin_monroe: RT @PamelaGrow: @gaylegifford - Listening is a SKILL - often overlooked So true. And it is all about listening. #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: Def. true: RT @PamelaGrow: I think of GreatNonProfits as a wonderful tool for collecting testimonials more than actual measuremnt. #smNPchat

@gaylegifford: Agree. But I'd also be happy if they just met with donors at all @JunoConsult #smNPchat

@mcahalane: RT @JunoConsult: @gaylegifford too many fund officers think "engaging w donors"="asking for gift" instead of listening &responding #smNPchat

@morphwithus: RT @scg4nonprofits: RT @nathan_hand: A2: What donors can do to grow giving http://t.co/L2C4PHbR #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @PamelaGrow: Q 3. How can we create longer term measures of fundraising performance? How do we measure? #smNPchat

@JenniferLSpies: RT @gaylegifford: Really liked the pitch for more research. Real need. Too much mythology, not enough evidence. #smNPchat

@FCAtlanta: Aw great Q: RT @PamelaGrow: Q 3. How can we create longer term measures of fundraising performance? How do we measure? #smNPchat

@laynegray: A3 Segment donors to analyze performance - A. long-term donors, B. less than 1 yr, C. new donors, etc. #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: A3: Good question, I keep going back to Lifetime Donor Value #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @gaylegifford Fabulous tool; greatly underutilized. Can help in writing appeals, web copy, etc. #smnpchat

@nimbyist: Q 3. How can we create longer term measures of fundraising performance? How do we measure? #smnpchat

@chadnorman: The $1mil Q! RT @PamelaGrow Q 3. How can we create longer term measures of fundraising performance? How do we measure? #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @nathan_hand: A3: Good question, I keep going back to Lifetime Donor Value | Focus and consistency is key #smnpchat

@philresearch: The quote that sums it all up- Donors don't give to org, but thru orgs-fulfill their aspirations not the orgs! It's about them! #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @laynegray: A3 Segment donors to analyze performance - A. long-term donors, B. less than 1 yr, C. new donors, etc. #smnpchat

@morphwithus: RT @JunoConsult: @gaylegifford too many fund officers think "engaging w donors"="asking for gift" instead of listening &responding #smnpchat

@nathan_hand: A3: According to the report - retention, retention, retention #smnpchat

@nimbyist: RT @philresearch: The quote that sums it all up- Donors dont give to org, but thru orgs-fulfill their aspirations not the orgs! #smnpchat

@kevin_monroe: RT @philresearch: - Donors don't give to org, but thru orgs-fulfill their aspirations not the orgs! It's about them! #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @philresearch That's what I loved about the report; reinforces a strongly donor-centric approach. #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @laynegray: A3 Segment donors to analyze performance - A. long-term donors, B. less than 1 yr, C. new donors, etc. #smNPchat

@FundraiserBeth: And according to real life.... RT @nathan_hand: A3: According to the report - retention, retention, retention #smNPchat

@FCAtlanta: RT @laynegray: A3 Segment donors to analyze performance - A. long-term donors, B. less than 1 yr, C. new donors, etc. #smNPchat

@joannefritz: RT @philresearch: The quote that sums it all up- Donors dont give to org, but thru orgs-fulfill their aspirations ... #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @nathan_hand: A3: Good question, I keep going back to Lifetime Donor Value #smNPchat

@nimbyist: So true >> RT @nathan_hand: A3: According to the report - retention, retention, retention #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: Gr8 idea RT @PamelaGrow: @gaylegifford Fabulous tool; greatly underutilized. Can help in writing appeals, web copy, etc. #smNPchat

@laynegray: I'm copying @PerlaNi - she'll appreciate accolades! RT @FCAtlanta @PamelaGrow: @GreatNonProfits gd tool to collect testimonials #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @FundraiserBeth: And according to real life.... RT @nathan_hand: A3: According to the report - retention, retention, retention #smnpchat

@morphwithus: RT @kevin_monroe: RT @philresearch: Donors dont give to org, but thru orgs-fulfill their aspirations not the orgs! Its about them #smnpchat

@williampitcher: A3 Long-term fundraising will always be pressured by immediate results just as in govt & biz but must try #smnpchat

@philresearch: Q3: Let's measure the quality of the donor relationship vs. the quantity of the donors in our database. n #smnpchat

@JenniferLSpies: A3 Segmentation: where to they give within the org how, long have they given, ect. #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @williampitcher: A3 Long-term fundraising will always be pressured by immediate results just as in govt & biz but must try #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @kevin_monroe: RT @philresearch: Donors dont give to org, but thru orgs to fulfill their aspirations-Its about the donor! #smNPchat

@gaylegifford: A3. Also look at where donor came from in calculating LTV. Usually different by source. #smNPchat

@nimbyist: RT @williampitcher: A3 Long-term fundraising will always be pressured by immediate results just as in govt & biz but must try #smnpchat

@nimbyist: RT @philresearch: Q3: Lets measure the quality of the donor relationship vs. the quantity of the donors in our database. #smnpchat

@chadnorman: A3: Attaching a dynamic giving score to each constituent would be huge. Track over time and look at trends. #smNPchat

@nimbyist: RT @JenniferLSpies: A3 Segmentation: where to they give within the org how, long have they given, ect. #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: A3: good combo of quantitative AND qualitative--coming back to the feedback and listening emphasis #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: A3: Focus on 2nd gifts. Sector looses so many after the 1st gift, we've wasted acq $ (in real life @FundraiserBeth :)) #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @PamelaGrow: @philresearch Thats what I loved about the report; reinforces a strongly donor-centric approach. #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @nimbyist: So true >> RT @nathan_hand: A3: According to the report - retention, retention, retention #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: What did you think of Rec. 8: Tackle high turnover rates in the profession? #smnpchat

@mcahalane: Do you find that idea - that donors work through us - is rec'd strangely by some not in FR? That org is less impt than work? #smNPchat

@gaylegifford: Balance between long term and today. Wish we all had luxury of community foundations for gift wait @williampitcher: A3 #smNPchat

@mcahalane: @PamelaGrow Ah, there's a big one. #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: Ding ding! RT @philresearch: Q3: Measure the quality of the donor relationship vs. the quantity of the donors in our database. n #smnpchat

@CASUDI: A3 Repeat donors, nu donors more $funds (less costs:) = only items to measure ~ AM I too simplistic? #smNPchat

@blackbaud: RT @scg4nonprofits: RT @PamelaGrow: @philresearch Thats what I loved abt the report; reinforces a strongly donor-centric approach #smNPchat

@nimbyist: Another vote for retention! > RT @nathan_hand: A3: Focus on 2nd gifts. Sector looses so many after the 1st gift, weve wasted acq $ #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @philresearch: Q3: Lets measure the quality of the donor relationship vs. the quantity of the donors in our database. #smNPchat

@JenniferLSpies: @nathan_hand Yes! It's so much harder to get back a donor than getting them to give again. #smNPchat

@FCAtlanta: Great conversation about the future of #fundraising happening right now at hashtag #smNPchat! #nonprofit

@scg4nonprofits: RT @JenniferLSpies: A3 Segmentation: where to they give within the org how, long have they given, ect. #smNPchat

@williampitcher: A3 I'm great believer in long-term moves mgt strategy cuz it shows intermediate & long-term results #smnpchat

@nimbyist: That *is* a big one >> RT @PamelaGrow: What did you think of Rec. 8: Tackle high turnover rates in the profession? #smnpchat

@mcahalane: RT @philresearch: Q3: Measure the quality of the donor relationship vs. the quantity of the donors in our database. #smNPchat

@kevin_monroe: @mcahalane - I hope orgs don't take offense at being a vessel rather than the center of the universe #smnpchat

@JenniferLSpies: RT @philresearch: Q3: Measure the quality of the donor relationship vs. the quantity of the donors in our database. #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @williampitcher: A3 Long-term fundraising will always be pressured by immediate results just as in govt & biz but must try #smNPchat

@mcahalane: @JenniferLSpies And really, not so hard to treat them well in the 1st place. Priorities! #smNPchat

@gaylegifford: RT @williampitcher: A3 Im great believer in long-term moves mgt strategy cuz it shows intermediate & long-term results #smNPchat

@morphwithus: RT @kevin_monroe: @mcahalane - I hope orgs dont take offense at being a vessel rather than the center of the universe #smnpchat

@nathan_hand: @pamelagrow (A4?) It takes FRs 18 mos to be successful/comfortable and 24 months to leave - not good #smnpchat

@XarkGirl: @chadnorman you forgot to say: and i have fans everywhere ... #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: Not to pimp my own posts, but the suggestion of shared back office made me think of my client's idea http://t.co/LOwJGv3Z #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: @petermello good chat happening now #smNPchat

@joannefritz: RT @mcahalane: @JenniferLSpies And really, not so hard to treat them well in the 1st place. Priorities! #smNPchat

@JunoConsult: But you can't leave out acquisition, or you run the risk of donor fatigue if I may use a trope. I see this happen a lot in sm orgs #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @joannefritz: RT @mcahalane: @JenniferLSpies And really, not so hard to treat them well in the 1st place. Priorities! #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: Might hurt, but is so impt to remember: RT @kevin_monroe: I hope orgs dont take offense at not being the center of the universe #smNPchat

@nimbyist: Love it! >> RT @PamelaGrow: suggestion of shared back office made me think of my clients idea http://t.co/8LV7BIuf #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @JunoConsult: But you cant leave out acquisition, or you run the risk of donor fatigue if I may use a trope. #smnpchat

@mcy527: #smnpchat Also interested in the future of interactive stewardship & how to develop a relationship with give and go donors

@joannefritz: @PamelaGrow ha ha....such a way with words, Pamela! #smNPchat

@mcahalane: @JunoConsult True. And right now, that's what's suffering often in the resources pinch. #smNPchat

@gaylegifford: Been looking for examples of shared development offices beyond collaborative capital campaigns. Pls forward any and all #smNPchat

@JenniferLSpies: @mcahalane Yes, focus on growing a donor relationship. #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: I hope those that supported rpt are watching the great #smnpchat! cc @afpihq @blackbaud @IUPhilanthropy

@JunoConsult: @FCAtlanta don't know about big orgs, but small orgs tend to get that its' a about mission first, then donor, then org #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @nimbyist Thanks Amy - a fun, no cost way to share. #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @mcahalane: RT @philresearch: Q3: Measure the quality of the donor relationship vs. the quantity of the donors in our database #smnpchat

@laynegray: It's Ur chat...U can pimp ;-) RT @PamelaGrow: Not to pimp my own posts, but shared back office=clients idea http://t.co/5pEe9pG2 #smNPchat

@philresearch: @mcahalane great Q--mission is the basis. Its our responsibility to find the "sweet spot" for the donor/org-that's the win win! #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @joannefritz LOL. Couldn't help myself. That guest post didn't get the attention it deserved. #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: Need to replace donors who just die or move away. RT @PamelaGrow: RT @JunoConsult: But you cant leave out acquisition #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @JunoConsult: @FCAtlanta dont know about big orgs, but sm orgs tend 2get that its a about mission first, then donor, then org #smnpchat

@mcahalane: @JunoConsult I've seen things steered toward WE ARE GREAT by people outside dev. PR, for example. #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: RUDE! (kidding) RT @kevin_monroe: I hope orgs dont take offense at not being the center of the universe #smNPchat

@blackbaud: We are here! RT @nathan_hand: I hope those that supported rpt are watching the great #smnpchat! cc @afpihq @blackbaud @IUPhilanthropy

@nimbyist: @PamelaGrow re MasterMind Groups - One thing emphasized in part thru amazing Twitter chats: how much we can learn from each other #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @gaylegifford: Been looking for examples of shared development offices beyond collaborative capital campaigns. Pls forward #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @laynegray LOL. I should pimp my new book! #smnpchat

@philresearch: @JunoConsult How can we change that...long term it's about the $ resources that will keep the org going. #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: @JunoConsult: really depends on the leadership of the org operating from a big-picture or small-picture perspective. #smNPchat

@FundraiserBeth: So true! RT @mcahalane: @JunoConsult Ive seen things steered toward WE ARE GREAT by people outside dev. PR, for example. #smNPchat

@morphwithus: RT @philresearch: @mcahalane great Q--mission is the basis. Its our responsibility to find the "sweet spot" for the donor/org! #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: Small orgs so handicapped by lack of development resources. No wonder very few haves and vast have nots. #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: @blackbaud and I love that you are! #smnpchat #truepartneringiving

@chadnorman: LOL! It takes a village. RT @kevin_monroe: I hope orgs dont take offense at not being the center of the universe. #smNPchat

@JunoConsult: RT @nimbyist: @PamelaGrow One thing emphasized in part thru amazing Twitter chats: how much we can learn from each other <Word #smnpchat

@nimbyist: RT @JunoConsult: dont know about big orgs, but sm orgs tend 2get that its about mission first, then donor, then org #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @nimbyist So so true. If you've never joined in one you have no idea what you're missing. #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @mcy527: #smnpchat Also interested in future of interactive stewardship & how to develop a relationship with give and go donors #smnpchat

@mcahalane: @FundraiserBeth Been having convos about megaphones vs funnels. #smNPchat

@FCAtlanta: @nathan_hand hah sorry that was my paraphrase, not a strict RT cc: @kevin_monroe #smNPchat

@nimbyist: RT @gaylegifford: Small orgs so handicapped by lack of development resources. No wonder very few haves and vast have nots. #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: Wish I could agree. RT @nimbyist: RT @JunoConsult: ...sm orgs tend 2get that its about mission first, then donor, then org #smNPchat

@nimbyist: RT @mcahalane: @FundraiserBeth Been having convos about megaphones vs funnels. #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @philresearch It will be out on Monday. Simple Development Systems: Successful fundraising 4 the 1-person shop. #smnpchat

@mcahalane: RT @JunoConsult @nimbyist: @PamelaGrow One thing emphasized thru amazing Twitter chats: how much we can learn from each other #smNPchat

@nimbyist: RT @mcy527: #smnpchat Also interested in future of interactive stewardship & how to develop a relationship with give and go donors #smnpchat

@kevin_monroe: RT @nimbyist: RT @gaylegifford: Small orgs so handicapped by lack of development resources. No wonder very few haves and vast have nots. #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: Keep wondering what it would be like in community of mega nonprofits shared their dev resources w/ tiny #smNPchat

@laynegray: Of course promote Ur book...sort of like Harvard grads can get their alma mater in any conversation w/in 3 sentences. @pamelagrow #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: Such as? RT @mcahalane: @JunoConsult Ive seen things steered toward WE ARE GREAT by people outside dev. PR, for example. #smnpchat

@philresearch: @blackbaud Great stuff with the report..now it's time to prioritize the next steps/action items. #smnpchat

@morphwithus: smnp moving toward kickstarters Doesn't seem to be working so well. #smnpchat

@JunoConsult: @nimbyist @gaylegifford- you just have to leverage the resources you have. Sm orgs much more nimble and relationship-based #smnpchat

@mcahalane: RT @PamelaGrow: @philresearch It will be out on Monday. Simple Development Systems: Successful fundraising 4 the 1-person shop. #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @FCAtlanta: @JunoConsult: really depends on the leadership of the org operating from a big-picture or small-picture perspective #smnpchat

@nimbyist: Like! >> RT @gaylegifford: Keep wondering what it would be like in community of mega nonprofits shared their dev resources w/ tiny #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @philresearch: @blackbaud Great stuff with the report..now its time to prioritize the next steps/action items. #smnpchat

@mcy527: RT @gaylegifford: Keep wondering what it would be like in community of mega nonprofits shared their dev resources w/ tiny #smNPchat

@williampitcher: Yes, but sometimes feel were preaching to chorus RT @PamelaGrow: @nimbyist If you've never joined..no idea what you're missing. #smnpchat

@philresearch: @PamelaGrow Great! Looking forward to it. #smnpchat

@mcahalane: @scg4nonprofits Website function. "Message". It's just really not all about us. #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: @live_united was designed to be dev resources for #smnpchat folks. I think they've lost focus. (re @PamelaGrow Mastermind post)

@FCAtlanta: What do you think is a solution for this? RT @gaylegifford: Small orgs so handicapped by lack of development resources. #smNPchat

@nimbyist: @JunoConsult @gaylegifford One issue for sm orgs, less for lrgr I think, is getting caught up in the granular day-to-day #smnpchat

@FundraiserBeth: Collaboration was a point I liked to read about in rpt. and it starts here MT @mcahalane @JunoConsult @nimbyist @PamelaGrow #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: And I think that we all agree here: DITCH the annual fund :D #smnpchat

@blackbaud: @philresearch Exactly. Next step w/ the report is prioritizing the 32 recommendations and selecting the top 4-5 to focus on first. #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @nimbyist: RT @gaylegifford: Small orgs handicapped by lack of development resources. No wonder very few haves/vast have nots. #smnpchat

@JunoConsult: RT @nimbyist@gaylegifford: What if mega nonprofits shared dev resources w/ tiny- one of my old ideas! "Big Bro" relationships! #smnpchat

@philresearch: Love that!RT @gaylegifford: Keep wondering what it would be in community of mega nonprofits shared their dev resources w/ tiny #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: Whew. I see EDs w/ no dev staff doing it all RT @JunoConsult: @nimbyist Sm orgs much more nimble & relationship-based #smNPchat

@mcy527: Perhaps create a consortium for small nonprofits a la early United Way/Community Chest fundraising model #smNPchat

@mcahalane: @FCAtlanta Sometimes smart board members w FR exp. #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @JunoConsult: RT @nimbyist@gaylegifford: What if mega nonprofits shared dev resources w/ tiny- one of my old ideas! #smnpchat

@klsnature: Marking posts to read post-chat. Thanks to everyone for sharing. So much positive energy ... and food for thought. #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @gaylegifford: Keep wondering what it would be like in community of mega nonprofits shared their dev resources w/ tiny #smnpchat

@FundraiserBeth: Esp urban/rural divide. MT @FCAtlanta: What is a solution for this? RT @gaylegifford: Small orgs so handicapped by lack. #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: @pamelagrow @philresearch YES - @blackbaud can u share what's next for rpt action steps? #smnpchat

@JunoConsult: @gaylegifford that would be me. ;) #smnpchat

@morphwithus: RT @mcy527: Perhaps create a consortium for small nonprofits a la early United Way/Community Chest fundraising model #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @mcy527: Perhaps create a consortium for small nonprofits a la early United Way/Community Chest fundraising model #smnpchat

@nimbyist: @williampitcher True, although I often show or tell new Twitter folks re chats and they're excited by the idea #smnpchat

@FundraiserBeth: I think @FCAtlanta does a great job trying to teach & take teaching to other parts of GA. Loved hearing about their model. #smNPchat

@JunoConsult: @PamelaGrow: @JunoConsult @nimbyist @gaylegifford here's the subversive piece of it: ALSO devote xx% of grants to smnp partner #smnpchat

@chadnorman: Would be cool if there good be a big brother/little brother exchagne. A big NPO partners with a small local NPO to share. #smNPchat

@morphwithus: Yes! RT @nimbyist: @williampitcher True, although I often show or tell new Twitter folks re chats and theyre excited by the idea #smnpchat

@williampitcher: @nimbyist Agree! Key is getting new people here. (& for the record, wasn't complaining) ;-) #smnpchat

@nimbyist: RT @mcy527: Perhaps create a consortium for small nonprofits a la early United Way/Community Chest fundraising model #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @nimbyist: @JunoConsult @gaylegifford One issue for sm orgs, less for lrgr, is getting caught up in the granular day-to-day #smnpchat

@FundraiserBeth: The problem is, as Dev pros, we have little time. & Fdns cannot carry $ burden of training smNP shops across their region. #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: I think next steps shd be voted on via tweet chats #smnpchat @blackbaud :)

@kevin_monroe: RT @FundraiserBeth: agreed on the great work of FC ATL teaching to other parts of GA AND the SE US. #smNPchat

@nimbyist: @JunoConsult Hmmm... How well would that idea go over? #smnpchat

@mcy527: new life plan! promise consortium in the works as of 2 minutes ago #smnpchat

@williampitcher: Laugh, love it. RT @nathan_hand: I think next steps shd be voted on via tweet chats #smnpchat @blackbaud :) #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @JunoConsult @nimbyist @Gaylegifford I would love to set up a conf call to chat about these ideas. #smnpchat

@EmmaLewzey: Yes! RT @gaylegifford Keep wondering what it would be like in community if mega nonprofits shared their dev resources w/ tiny #smNPchat

@Glenn_Burdett: Tom Tierney Give$Mart author here in Portland last night at MCF...major pt about collaboration ~ like lg & sm npos #smNPchat

@nimbyist: RT @FundraiserBeth: The problem is, as Dev pros, we have little time. Fdns can't carry $ burden of training smNP shops #smnpchat

@JunoConsult: @FundraiserBeth Not training. It's a myth that smnp dev staff need training. We need access to software, funders, community #smnpchat

@morphwithus: RT @FundraiserBeth: ...as Dev pros, little time. & Fdns cannot carry $ burden of training smNP shops across their region. #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @FundraiserBeth Foundations have, as a rule, no idea of the challenges faced by small orgs. #smnpchat

@FundraiserBeth: I like it! I'd love to be a part of that. RT @mcy527: new life plan! promise consortium in the works as of 2 minutes ago #smNPchat

@williampitcher: All the talk about combined backends...curious...any consultants providing this? #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: .@FundraiserBeth aw did you mean our cooperating collections? http://t.co/syqwSNso I think they def. help w/ the urban/rural issue #smNPchat

@gofiliberto: @mcy527 Great idea...I'm an United Way (@live_united) alumnus, saw firsthand power of such consortium. #smnpchat

@kevin_monroe: #smnpchat - gotta jump for a meeting - enjoyed the chat and meeting new brilliance

@philresearch: Like a taproot Org? RT @mcy527: Perhaps create a consortium for small nonprofits a la early United Way/Community Chest fundra mod. #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: That's our model. RT @gaylegifford: Wondering what it would be like... if mega nonprofits shared their dev resources w/ tiny #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @williampitcher: All the talk about combined backends...curious...any consultants providing this? #smnpchat

@deservingdecor: RT @PamelaGrow: @FundraiserBeth Foundations have, as a rule, no idea of the challenges faced by small orgs. #smnpchat

@chadnorman: @FundraiserBeth So true about the time! #smNPchat

@mcy527: @FundraiserBeth esp with attrition of big donors looking ahead #smNPchat

@mcahalane: @JunoConsult Exactly. It's not less skill/knowledge - it's fewer resources. #smNPchat

@FundraiserBeth: @PamelaGrow Oh, guess I am thinking of Seattle, where @SVPSeattle @TheSeattleFdn & others are working on that. #smNPchat

@nimbyist: @PamelaGrow @JunoConsult @Gaylegifford Would love to figure out how it would work; LOTS of small (almost micro) orgs out there #smnpchat

@mcahalane: RT @PamelaGrow: @FundraiserBeth Foundations have, as a rule, no idea of the challenges faced by small orgs. #smNPchat

@JunoConsult: @williampitcher There was a program in Chgo years ago called ArtsBridge that was a smnp Biz Incubator #smnpchat

@morphwithus: RT @mcahalane: @JunoConsult Exactly. Its not less skill/knowledge - its fewer resources. #smnpchat

@nimbyist: Yes re small orgs >> RT @mcahalane: Its not less skill/knowledge - its fewer resources. #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @FundraiserBeth, but I also say it's up to us to educate them. Phila is a little backwards/provincial #smnpchat

@CASUDI: @mcy527 Peer Water Exchange is in essence such a consortium of smaller NPs (related to water) 83 members/24 countries> #smNPchat

@gaylegifford: My wish is big multiyr investment from fdns -- fund 5 ppl in dev dept not just one. RT @PamelaGrow: @FundraiserBeth #smNPchat

@nimbyist: Cool! >> RT @JunoConsult: There was a program in Chgo years ago called ArtsBridge that was a smnp Biz Incubator #smnpchat

@JunoConsult: @deservingdecor but they think they do. And they're constantly providing solutions for problems that don't exist. Very frustrating #smnpchat

@morphwithus: RT @CASUDI: @mcy527 Peer Water Exchange is in essence such a consortium of smaller NPs (related to water) 83 members/24 countries> #smnpchat

@mcahalane: RT @gaylegifford: My wish is big multiyr investment from fdns-fund 5 ppl in dev dept not just one RT @PamelaGrow: @FundraiserBeth #smNPchat

@morphwithus: RT @nimbyist: Cool! >> RT @JunoConsult: There was a program in Chgo years ago called ArtsBridge that was a smnp Biz Incubator #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @FundraiserBeth: The problem: as Dev pros, we have little time; Fdns can't carry $ burden of training smNPs across their region #smnpchat

@FundraiserBeth: They called it State-Wide Capacity Collective: http://t.co/gQLgbNmp @SVPSeattle @TheSeattleFdn #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: Q4: So where do we go from here? (& I apologize that this chat was not more focused - life intervened) #smnpchat

@noahkleiman: @JunoConsult @FundraiserBeth It's a myth that fundraisers at large organizations know more than smaller NPOs. Experience not size. #smnpchat

@philresearch: Need to check that out! RT @JunoConsult: There was a program in Chgo years ago called ArtsBridge that was a smnp Biz Incubator #smnpchat

@JunoConsult: Multi-year grants the answer. imagine if forProfit biz had to reapply for same loan every single year. #smnpchat

@mcy527: Yes like taproot but focused on employers/community building orgs? Thinking about community chest now #smnpchat just brainstorming

@PamelaGrow: RT @JunoConsult: but they think they do. And theyre constantly providing solutions for problems that dont exist. TELL ME ABOUT IT #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @FundraiserBeth Not training. Its a myth that smnp dev staff need training. We need access to software, funders, community #smnpchat

@nathan_hand: Yes, need more small NP incubators like @TheMindTrust in #indy for education #smnpchat

@CASUDI: RT @noahkleiman: @JunoConsult @FundraiserBeth It's a myth that fundraisers at large organizations know more than smaller NPOs. Experience not size. #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: @PamelaGrow Happy to have conf calln #smNPchat

@FCAtlanta: For some orgs, $$ issues come from org itself though, not dev dept. RT @gaylegifford: fund 5 ppl in dev dept not just one #smNPchat

@mcy527: RT @FundraiserBeth: They called it State-Wide Capacity Collective: http://t.co/gQLgbNmp @SVPSeattle @TheSeattleFdn #smNPchat

@JunoConsult: @philresearch DM me I'll send my email. I was part of it. I'll put up a blog post on it as well. #smnpchat

@blackbaud: @nathan_hand @WilliamPitcher Those next steps are definitely being decided by a group. Stay in the loop here: http://t.co/QNNQS52s #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @noahkleiman That's so true. I saw some of the worst fundraising ever in a large org - w/ a large consulting firm I might add #smnpchat

@FundraiserBeth: Similar to Vancouver BC, Arts Stabilization Fund. RT @nimbyist: RT @JunoConsult .. program in Chgo years ago called ArtsBridge ... #smNPchat

@nimbyist: RT @mcy527: Yes like taproot but focused on employers/community building orgs? Thinking about community chest now #smnpchat

@philresearch: You bet! RT @nathan_hand: Yes, need more small NP incubators like @TheMindTrust in #indy for education #smnpchat

@nathan_hand: Gr8 pt RT @junoconsult: Multi-year grants the answer. imagine if forProfit biz had to reapply for same loan every single year. #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: My absolute favorite model ever is Community Initiatives http://t.co/EwpyhbPI -- like a fiscal sponsor/incubator. #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @blackbaud: Those next steps are definitely being decided by a group. Stay in the loop here: http://t.co/dvwDvS9K #smnpchat

@williampitcher: A4 1st question for me is who decides? AFP? Imagine Cda is doing something. I imagine CASE has interest. #smnpchat

@noahkleiman: RT @PamelaGrow: @noahkleiman That's so true. I saw some of the worst fundraising ever in a large org - w/ a large consulting firm I might add #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @FCAtlanta: My absolute favorite model ever is Community Initiatives http://t.co/J2Z4GTAL -- like a fiscal sponsor/incubator. #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: We provided shared marketing RT @PamelaGrow: RT @williampitcher: Re: combined backends...curious...any consultants providing? #smnpchat

@nathan_hand: @blackbaud @WilliamPitcher Signed up last week - I'll be ready 4 ur call :) #smnpchat

@nimbyist: Q4: So where do we go from here? #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @williampitcher: A4 1st question for me is who decides? AFP? Imagine Cda is doing something. I imagine CASE has interest. #smnpchat

@philresearch: RT @FCAtlanta: My absolute favorite model ever is Community Initiatives http://t.co/iSFrresK -- like a fiscal sponsor/incubator. #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @deservingdecor: RT @PamelaGrow: @FundraiserBeth Foundations have, as a rule, no idea of the challenges faced by small orgs. #smnpchat

@morphwithus: RT @FCAtlanta: My absolute favorite model ever is Community Initiatives http://t.co/z5CgbP71 -- like a fiscal sponsor/incubator. #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: I am so loving this convo ... ideas are flying at the speed of light! #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: TSNE same RT @philresearch: RT @FCAtlanta: My absolute favorite model ever is Community Initiatives http://t.co/topbpynE #smNPchat

@mcy527: meeting in 8 minutes must prepare! Thanks #smNPchat glad to get to join in.

@FundraiserBeth: You ask that with 8 minutes left!!!??? RT @nimbyist: Q4: So where do we go from here? #smNPchat

@JunoConsult: Okay, client's handy phone call about to end, I may miss the rest of the chat. #smnpchat

@philresearch: That's a call for entrepreneurs! RT @PamelaGrow: I am so loving this convo ... ideas are flying at the speed of light! #smnpchat

@Glenn_Burdett: Q4: Give Smart book by Tierney is good for strategic thinking - where do we go - from donor view. #smnpchat

@chadnorman: RT @FCAtlanta: My absolute favorite model ever is Community Initiatives http://t.co/yPYe4ymR -- like a fiscal sponsor/incubator #smNPchat

@elijahmay: RT @PamelaGrow: I am so loving this convo ... ideas are flying at the speed of light! #smnpchat

@nathan_hand: A4: Share widely, implement what we can, and sign up here to be a part of next steps http://t.co/AifWoU9R #smnpchat

@mcy527: RT @FCAtlanta: My absolute favorite model ever is Community Initiatives http://t.co/EwpyhbPI -- like a fiscal sponsor/incubator. #smNPchat

@noahkleiman: @PamelaGrow I saw that too. In a small NPO there isn't any room for ineffective fundraising, because the boat starts to sink. #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @FundraiserBeth: You ask that with 8 minutes left!!!??? RT @nimbyist: Q4: So where do we go from here? Haha! Maybe cont chat? #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @FundraiserBeth Its a myth that fundraisers at large organizations know more than smaller NPOs. Exp not size #smnpchat

@morphwithus: RT @Glenn_Burdett: Q4: Give Smart book by Tierney is good for strategic thinking - where do we go - from donor view. #smnpchat

@elijahmay: RT @philresearch: That's a call for entrepreneurs! RT @PamelaGrow: I am so loving this convo ... ideas are flying at the speed of light! #smnpchat

@MatthewLeighty: RT @laynegray: Of course promote Ur book...sort of like Harvard grads can get their alma mater in any conversation w/in 3 sentences. @pamelagrow #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: I'm sending u my carpel tunel bill in 20 yrs RT @pamelagrow: I am so loving this convo ... ideas are flying at the speed of light! #smnpchat

@mcy527: RT @nathan_hand: A4: Share widely, implement what we can, and sign up here to be a part of next steps http://t.co/AifWoU9R #smnpchat

@philresearch: Q4: The answer is right here...we gotta be THE ambassadors of action, integration, interaction and innovation! (poetic!) #smnpchat

@Glenn_Burdett: A4 rather lol: Give Smart by Tierney good for strategic thinking - where do we go - from donor view. #smnpchat

@williampitcher: A4 I think some recommendations will be resisted. I think we need more SALES training but many resist the word #smnpchat

@laynegray: @MatthewLeighty Oops...thought no-one caught that one ;) #smNPchat

@CASUDI: @FCAtlanta seems there could be a hi-cost of admin for Community Initiatives? #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @nimbyist: Q4: So where do we go from here? #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: A4: convos like this leading into action. #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: @williampitcher Can I say Hallelujah? I credit my sales career w/ being so successful at fundraising. #smnpchat

@adriansalmon: RT @JenniferLSpies: My biggest aha was the lifetime value increase for monthly givers over annual giving, 600 to 800 % higher! #smNPchat

@joannefritz: Gotta go....grt chat! Thanks, Pamela #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @Glenn_Burdett: Q4: Give Smart book by Tierney is good for strategic thinking - where do we go - from donor view. #smnpchat

@chadnorman: Q4: The future is the recommendation engine - the people! NPOs need to get their supporters asking/acting for them. #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: RT @fcatlanta: A4: convos like this leading into action. #smNPchat

@FCAtlanta: @CASUDI potentially, though I think that'd be outweighed by how many orgs they help. In some ways admin IS the mission #smNPchat

@williampitcher: RT @PamelaGrow: @williampitcher Can I say Hallelujah? I credit my sales career w/ being so successful at fundraising. #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @elijahmay: RT @PamelaGrow: I am so loving this convo ... ideas are flying at the speed of light! #smnpchat

@nimbyist: If you haven't yet read @ImagineCanada's Framework for Action, I highly recommend you have a look http://t.co/SCj74CKx #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: @FCAtlanta Nonprofit finance fund case study on Steppenwolf Theater -- giving took off when funders paid dozen people in dev dept. #smNPchat

@adriansalmon: RT @PamelaGrow: Hard to point to 1 fave takeaway but "Blow the whistle on orgs claiming 0 fundraising costs" was a biggie. #smnpchat

@williampitcher: RT @nimbyist: If you haven't yet read @ImagineCanada's Framework for Action, I highly recommend you have a look http://t.co/SCj74CKx #smnpchat

@morphwithus: RT @chadnorman: Q4: The future is the recommendation engine - the people! NPOs need to get their supporters asking/acting for them #smnpchat

@nimbyist: RT @nathan_hand: A4: Share widely, implement what we can, and sign up here to be a part of next steps http://t.co/kDlCwcRA #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: Def. this: MT @chadnorman: Q4: The future is the people! NPOs need to get their supporters asking/acting for them. #smNPchat

@JunoConsult: Grabbed a bunch of the links from today's chat and put them on the Juno Consulting FB http://t.co/vdp9KVB3 #smnpchat

@mcy527: @CASUDI @FCAtlanta RETIREES. 7 million of them. huge highly skilled volunteer base opening up #smNPchat okay now i'm really leaving

@gaylegifford: agree RT @williampitcher: A4 ... I think we need more SALES training but many resist the word #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: B4 u go #smnpchat - use @FollowBlast to follow all from this chat easily http://t.co/aTRnb603

@mcahalane: Thanks! RT @JunoConsult: Grabbed a bunch of the links from todays chat and put them on the Juno Consulting FB http://t.co/qGKPNKu2 #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: @JunoConsult Thanks so much Alex #smnpchat

@CASUDI: @FCAtlanta at quick glance looked like 130 employees ~:) I'll check again more thoroughly #smNPchat

@morphwithus: RT @mcy527: @CASUDI @FCAtlanta RETIREES. 7 million of them. huge highly skilled volunteer base opening up #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @nimbyist: If you haven't read @ImagineCanadas Framework for Action, I highly recommend you have a look http://t.co/ZxjU8lF4 #smnpchat

@philresearch: Q4: Board members understand the donor/customer relationships-how can we tap them further./elevate their in donor engagement. #smnpchat

@amykmac: Or charity mergers... RT @gaylegifford Keep wondering what it'd be like if mega nonprofits shared their dev resources w/ tiny #smNPchat

@FCAtlanta: @gaylegifford grt example! I didn't mean to suggest funding dev. is a bad idea, just that low dev funding isn't always the problem #smNPchat

@adriansalmon: #smnpchat late entrant - Adrian from University of Leeds in UK. Hello all. Biggest Aha was that giving in both UK & US = static over 30yrs

@petermello: RT @gaylegifford: agree RT @williampitcher: A4 ... I think we need more SALES training but many resist the word #smNPchat

@philresearch: Gr8! RT @JunoConsult: Grabbed a bunch of the links from todays chat and put them on the Juno Consulting FB http://t.co/NGEGFNe5 #smnpchat

@nimbyist: @williampitcher The best short version I've read is tucked away on pg 10 in PDF issue of NZ Philanthropy News http://t.co/WvxA5jGE #smNPchat

@gaylegifford: @FCAtlanta agree. Can't make up for lack of vision or poor execution. #smNPchat

@morphwithus: @nathan_hand Thank you DIdn't know this resource #smnpchat

@chadnorman: Awesome chat everyone - you all rock! #smNPchat

@FCAtlanta: @amykmac @gaylegiffort mergers are kind of a hot-potato topic, but should be discussed--too much service duplication #smNPchat

@adriansalmon: RT @gaylegifford: When I was at PLAN USA, donor long term value drove all of our fundraising. #smNPchat

@williampitcher: Gotta say this chat has me thinking "Oh crap, I really need to do something with this in my biz" #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: Continue the conversation on our new Facebook page too: http://t.co/fVSyTRhQ #smnpchat

@nimbyist: @adriansalmon Hi Adrian -- thanks for joining us! #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: @gaylegifford yeah that's what I was trying to get at. Sometimes 140 chars is not enough. #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @FCAtlanta: @amykmac @gaylegiffort mergers are kind of a hot-potato topic, but should be discussed--2 much service duplication #smnpchat

@nimbyist: YES -- please do! >> RT @PamelaGrow: Continue the conversation on our new Facebook page too: http://t.co/IQWMtJ7a #smnpchat

@morphwithus: RT @williampitcher The best short version Ive read is tucked away on pg 10 PDF issue of NZ Philanthropy News http://t.co/Ovz8JJda #smnpchat

@nathan_hand: Agreed - thx all!! RT @chadnorman: Awesome chat everyone - you all rock! #smNPchat

@FundraiserBeth: And this is why I love the Small Nonprofit Chat! Big ideas come in small chats!! Thanks you all! #smNPchat

@blackbaud: Thx for the great #smnpchat today on the future of philanthropy! Sign up & help keep the movement going http://t.co/QNNQS52s

@mcahalane: RT @nimbyist: YES -- please do! >> RT @PamelaGrow: Continue the conversation on our new Facebook page too: http://t.co/o3ZawQQo #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @philresearch: Q4: Board members understand donor/customer relationships-how can we tap them/elevate them in donor engagement #smnpchat

@adriansalmon: @PamelaGrow Retention and long-term development. We need to be much better at measuring donor journeys. #smnpchat

@nimbyist: Still so many new orgs forming >> @PamelaGrow @FCAtlanta: mergers are kind of a hot-potato topic, but should be discussed #smnpchat

@nathan_hand: @morphwithus no prob - i love it! #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: @pamelagrow will there a transcript for this chat? I might need a few read-overs to process everything ; ) #smNPchat

@blackbaud: RT @PamelaGrow: Continue the conversation on our new Facebook page too: http://t.co/vUMIfLTC #smnpchat

@nimbyist: Wow, how did it get to be 1 p.m.! Awesome chat, thanks so much for participating #smnpchat

@mcahalane: RT @adriansalmon: @PamelaGrow Retention and long-term development. We need to be much better at measuring donor journeys. #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: @FCAtlanta I will get to it before the end of the day and post it. #smnpchat

@nimbyist: @FCAtlanta Transcript, PLUS Storify should be functional again! Missed out on last one due to tech issues :-/ #smnpchat

@philresearch: Another great learning session! Happy 11/11/11 Lots of good luck and success! Thanks to the org @pamela grow @nimbyist #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @amykmac: Or charity mergers... RT @gaylegifford Wondering what itd be like if mega nonprofits shared their dev resources #smnpchat

@adriansalmon: RT @nathan_hand: A3: Focus on 2nd gifts. Sector looses so many after the 1st gift, we've wasted acq $ (in real life @FundraiserBeth :)) #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @mcahalane: RT @adriansalmon: Retention and long-term development. We need to be much better at measuring donor journeys. #smnpchat

@FundraiserBeth: & new follows! RT @FCAtlanta: @pamelagrow will there a transcript for this chat? I might need a few read-overs to process... #smNPchat

@nimbyist: @PamelaGrow You rock - as always!! #smnpchat

@JunoConsult: She's back on a phone call! Loving this meeting, haha. I'm in on further discussion! #smnpchat

@amykmac: .@PamelaGrow @FCAtlanta @gaylegiffort charity mergers are uncomfortable to talk about. But necessary for impact in bad economy? #smnpchat

@nimbyist: @philresearch happy 11/11/11 to you, too :-) #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @laynegray Thanks for joining us Layne - and wishing you an awesome Fundraising Summit! #smnpchat

@scg4nonprofits: RT @nimbyist: Wow, how did it get to be 1 p.m.! Awesome chat, thanks so much for participating #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: @amykmac Not a big fan of push to merger. Often no more dollars. When rules out overlap or saving programs makes sense.n #smNPchat

@FCAtlanta: Amen to that--great to meet so many new ppl with great ideas : ) RT @FundraiserBeth: & new follows! #smNPchat

@CASUDI: @mcahalane @adriansalmon @PamelaGrow I'm calling it creating / inspiring the donor experience (retention + journey) #smNPchat

@nimbyist: @FundraiserBeth Yes! Thanks to all the new folks who joined in today; I know it can be a bit intimidating, very appreciated #smnpchat

@JunoConsult: RT @adriansalmon: "measuring donor journeys" <-- love this phrase. Stealing it, just so you know. #smnpchat

@philresearch: Another great learning session! Happy 11/11/11 Lots of good luck and success! Thanks to the org @pamelagrow #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @gaylegifford: Not a big fan of push to merger. Often no more dollars. When rules out overlap or saving programs makes sense. #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @gaylegifford So agree with you. Invariably messy too. #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @JunoConsult: RT @adriansalmon: "measuring donor journeys" <-- love this phrase. Stealing it, just so you know. #smnpchat

@noahkleiman: Next, twitter ventriloquist @noahkleiman drinks a glass of water as @FundraiserBeth shares his views on small vs. large NPOs :) #smnpchat

@nimbyist: @laynegray Best of luck this weekend! Is there a conference hashtag? #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @philresearch Thanks for joining in La - always savvy. #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: And costly RT @PamelaGrow: @gaylegifford So agree with you. Invariably messy too. #smNPchat

@nimbyist: Haha! >> RT @PamelaGrow: RT @adriansalmon: "measuring donor journeys" <-- love this phrase. Stealing it, just so you know. #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: Apologizes for bad spelling today. n #smNPchat

@scg4nonprofits: Great #smNPchat, everyone! Jumping off for #NonprofitRadio.n #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @gaylegifford Oh get outta here. This is TWITTER! #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: Would love to hear ideas for better options--sector needs them I think. RT @PamelaGrow: So agree with you. Invariably messy too. #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: RT @scg4nonprofits: Great #smNPchat, everyone! Jumping off for #NonprofitRadio. #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: Likewise! RT @JunoConsult: RT @adriansalmon: "measuring donor journeys" <-- love this phrase. Stealing it, just so you know. #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: Nice to meet so many new ppl. Ciao! Have a great weekend. #smNPchat

@williampitcher: Those crazy Kiwis ;-) RT @nimbyist: Best short version Ive read is tucked away on pg 10 NZ Philanthropy News http://t.co/cRDckAdo #smnpchat

@mcahalane: Thanks all! Nice to meet you! #smNPchat

@adriansalmon: Yes, we've done that! The name anyway :-) “@PamelaGrow: And I think that we all agree here: DITCH the annual fund :D #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: Thanks for joining us today everyone. Wishing ya'all a great 11.11.11. and weekend! #smnpchat

@amykmac: .@gaylegifford agree charity mergers wouldn't work for all, but maybe some? Something I'd like to research more #smNPchat

@adriansalmon: :-D @JunoConsult: RT @adriansalmon: "measuring donor journeys" <-- love this phrase. Stealing it, just so you know. #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: OT: Is there a regular #occupy chat? #smnpchat

@CASUDI: @PamelaGrow TY for inspirational chat ~ I am looking for NP to circle on G+ for +BANK-ON-RAIN #smNPchat any takers?

@PamelaGrow: RT @CASUDI: @PamelaGrow TY for inspirational chat ~ I am looking for NP to circle on G+ for +BANK-ON-RAIN #smNPchat any takers? #smnpchat

@FCAtlanta: Thanks all for an absolutely stellar chat! Love hearing everyone's perspectives/ideas. Looking forward to more convo on FB : ) #smNPchat

@PamelaGrow: @FCAtlanta Thanks so much for joining us. Your perspective is always invaluable. #smnpchat

@gaylegifford: @amykmac Definitely works for some -- quality, better service delivery. Have you read Merging Wisely? http://t.co/Y03q2vpy #smNPchat

@adriansalmon: @PamelaGrow thanks Pam! Shame I couldn't be in from the start - some great tweets! #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: @adriansalmon So glad you could join us Adrian! Thank you. #smnpchat

@amykmac: Not yet, but I will now! RT @gaylegifford Have you read Merging Wisely? http://t.co/hXMjYY2v #smNPchat

@nathan_hand: @fcatlanta no prob - follow #smnpchat peeps quick & easy at http://t.co/PlfwjPvv

@adriansalmon: @blackbaud would love to see something similar for UK! Situations are surprisingly comparable :-) #smnpchat

@nathan_hand: @pamelagrow thx for a great #smnpchat - really appreciate your leadership in the space

@FCAtlanta: @pamelagrow that means a lot! It was seriously my pleasure though. Today's chat was awesome. #smnpchat

@PamelaGrow: Trying to figure out TweetReports. Argh. #smnpchat

@mrs_wynn: @adriansalmon @PamelaGrow following #smnpchat for the first time today. where is the discussion of dropping AF? interesting

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